Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ad Dukhan (The Smoke) 51-57

As for the Righteous, verily, they will be in a position of security,
Among Gardens and Springs;
Dressed in fine silk and in rich brocade, facing each other
(In addition to such Bounties) We shall wed them to maidens with beautiful eyes.
They can have every kind of fruit (they desire)
in security (without fearing any shortage of it);
Nor will they there taste death, except the first death;
and He will protect them from torment of the blazing fire,
As a Bounty from your Lord.
That will be the supreme achievement!

Ad Dukhan 43-50

Verily, the tree of zaqqum
Will be the food of the sinful,
Like molten brass; it will boil in their insides.
Like the boiling of scalding water.
(A voice will call out), “Seize him and drag him into the midst of the blazing fire!
Then pour over his head the chastisement of that boiling water,
Taste (this torment)
(it will be said to him in a scarcastic way),
truly you were pretending to be the mighty, the honorable!
Truly this is what you used to doubt!”

Al Takathur 1-8

The mutual rivalry for piling up the good things of this world, has diverted you
Until you visit the graves
But nay, you soon shall know the reality
Again, you soon shall know!
Nay, were you to know with certainty of mind,
You would beware!
You shall certainly see Hell-Fire aaljahim
Again, you shall see it with certainty of sight!
Then, you shall be questioned that Day about the Graces of Allah given to you.